Low-Cost Liquid-Handling Robotics Kit

Design and development of kit to make benchtop lab automation widely accessible to students and citizen scientists. Ongoing research project.

Display of Car Surroundings for Semi-Autonomous Vehicles

Novel human-machine interface concept and software prototype of key concept to provide intuitive operation of semi-autonomous vehicles. Team project for CS 210 course series, in partnership with HELLA Ventures.

Cursor Control with Webcam-Based Head Pose Estimation

Intuitive real-time on-screen cursor control system using consumer webcams. Team project for the CS 231A course.

Segmental Convolutional Neural Networks for Detection of Cardiac Abnormality with Noisy Heart Sound Recordings

A segmental convolutional neural network architecture for the task presented in the PhysioNet/CinC 2016 challenge. Team project for the BIOMEDIN 212 course.

Analysis of Top-Tier Computer Science Conferences and Research Communities using NLP

Using NLP to study the structure and characteristics of CS research communities through paper titles and abstracts published in top conferences. Team project for the CS 221 course.

VERA Sleeve: Venous Return Assistance Leg Sleeve

Functional prototype of a novel wearable medical device to treat patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Team project for the BIOE 141 course series.

E. coli Fermentor

Batch bioreactor with real-time web interface and modular sensor/actuator platform, designed and built from scratch. Team project for the BIOE 123 course.